Create remarkable customer service experiences

Customer Service.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear this word?  For most people, they will instantly think of either a good or bad experience they had with a department that holds such a name.  Usually these experiences are a result of something bad that triggered the customer service interaction.  For instance:  you don’t get the food you ordered, your product is broke, or you need to return an item for a different reason.

Good customer service interaction can lead to a dedicated customer.
Especially for those that love to tell their friends everything (“sneezers”), most people love to talk about customer service experiences.  When something goes wrong and then fixed above and beyond expectations, people will brag about how great your company is.  It’s my belief that mistakes are OK, since customers will often remember a positive customer service experience over flawless execution.

Bad customer service interaction stories can spread quickly.
It’s bad for the company when a horrible experience compels the customer to “never shop there again” and make sure they slander your name in public any time they hear you mentioned.  It can be go beyond traditional word of mouth, as I’m sure you’ve all witnessed more than a few times already.  Whether it’s that guy writing a song and putting it on YouTube, or a trending topic on twitter, social media can spread those bad experiences quickly.

But why just focus on reacting to customers?
Look, we all know that a customer service department is needed to react to bad customer experiences.  Have you ever considered a function of that department “proactive service”?  Because of being able to listen in on social media, companies have an incredible opportunity they are missing.  Stop focusing on only the “bad” that people are talking about and start including a habit of listening to the “good” chatter.

Proactively reward those individuals.
It doesn’t have to be much; sending a handwritten letter, a tweet back, or an email is enough reward.   Every once in a while, treat them the same way you’d treat someone who just needed to be made happy because of a bad experience.  Create a memorable experience for customers who are already praising you.  Don’t just focus on those who you need to fix.

Try this and see what happens.  I promise you will be delighted with the results.
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2 Responses

  1. We love to engage with our community, good advice!

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